
Action Collections and Receivables Management practices the principles of the 3R’s by:
- Reducing waste where possible by thinking about what we buy and how we use it. Non-essential documents and e-mails will not be printed. We will annually review which internal documents and external publications are essential, if they are not they will be canceled this reducing waste and saving money. We will endeavor to avoid disposable cups and food packaging bought by the office and for events. We will ensure all our printing and photocopying is done on double-sided paper.
- Re-Use wherever possible by trying to find a second life for items especially paper and office stationery. Scrap paper will be used in printer, fax machines, for taking messages and for writing notes or draft copies of documents. We are committed to the re-use of envelopes and packaging where possible.
- Recycle all paper, card glass, and tin. Toner cartridges and inkjets will also be recycled. If office furniture of IT equipment is being replaced then ACRM will seek to have those items reused or recycled. We will use/support social economy organizations to recycle materials as appropriate.
- ACRM will buy recycled. We will proceed to switch all publications and general office papers to 100% post-consumer waste recycled papers. When purchasing other items of office equipment recycled options will be considered.
- ACRM will seek to minimize the use of energy in its activities. For example, lights and equipment will be switched only when needed and not out of routine.